The facility will:
- Change the way we view waste, treating it as a valuable resource.
- Complement existing recycling and composting services in Essex.
- Recover recyclable materials such as metals, plastics, cardboard and aggregate for recycling.
- Play an important role in delivering sustainable recovery of value from waste.
- Provide robust and safe treatment of waste that cannot be recycled.
- Operate safely and be strictly regulated to protect the environment and human health.
- Reduce our reliance on landfill and reduce Landfill Tax costs.
The facility has been sized taking into account many important factors:
- National and local recycling and composting targets – the facility will help the county boost recycling performance.
- Population increase and housing growth.
- New recycling and composting schemes in the pipeline.
- The proposed plans for treating organic waste.
The facility will only treat waste collected within the Council areas of Essex and Southend-on-Sea.
More information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section.