Technology that protects the environment and human health


Mechanical Biological Treatment is a tried and tested approach to making the most of our waste:

  • Waste delivery vehicles arrive at the facility and are checked and weighed. The waste is then tipped indoors in a sealed bunker.
  • The waste passes through a Mechanical Processing stage, where recyclable materials such as metals, plastics and cardboard are sorted and separated.
  • The remaining waste enters a Biological Processing stage, where it is composted inside the building. Water evaporates and biodegradable materials break down.
  • Finally, the remaining material is refined to extract materials that can be recycled into aggregate replacement, such as rubble, glass and ceramics.
  • Any material left after this can either be safely landfilled or used to generate energy in a separate facility.

All waste handling operations will take place inside the fully enclosed building so that odour, water and noise are controlled and do not become a nuisance.

More information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

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